Does Fenbendazole Cure Cancer in Humans?

Fenbendazole, marketed as Safe-Guard or Pancur, is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug primarily used in veterinary medicine to treat animal worms and parasites. It belongs to the benzimidazole family of medications and is effective against various types of roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and certain animal tapeworms. It also targets human worms and parasites, but it is not licensed for this use.

It has been suggested that fenbendazole might disrupt microtubule formation in cancer cells and prevent glucose uptake, leading to cell death by starving the cells of their main energy source. Moreover, it appears to prevent the development of resistance to chemotherapy drugs by inhibiting P-glycoproteins, which are special pumps that eject anti-cancer agents before they can exert their effects. This makes it possible to maintain its effectiveness long-term, unlike most conventional chemotherapy drugs.

Several studies have reported in vitro (in test tube) and in vivo (in an animal model) antitumor effects of fenbendazole. One of these showed that fenbendazole caused a reduction in the growth of KRAS mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells by disrupting microtubules and inhibiting glycolysis, thereby preventing tumor cell growth. It also increased the activity of a tumor suppressor gene, p53, by promoting its activation.

Although no peer-reviewed study has found that fenbendazole cures cancer in humans, a number of people on social media have reported that it helped them. However, turning this research into an approved treatment for cancer is a very long journey. In the meantime, it is important to work with a health care professional who can help you avoid potentially dangerous side effects from long-term fenbendazole usage, including suppression of white blood cells and bone marrow.fenbendazole for humans

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